In Sanskrit terms, Sukh is the feeling of mental expansion, lightness and freedom. Anand is the term for joy, bliss or happiness. Sukh Anand is a yoga practice that aims to activate your inner smile.
Feel Good Yoga

One of the definitions of yoga in Sanskrit is ‘Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha’ – Sage Patanjali, meaning yoga is mastering the mind. Yoga means ‘union’, this can be union of the mind, body and soul, which in return helps to understand ourselves deeper. This is the true meaning of yoga.
The side effects of practising yoga asana (postures) bring a wealth of health benefits including increased flexibility, strength, balance and stamina as well as greater emotional stability and resilience. Regular practice has also been found to promote relaxation, alleviate stress, improve sleep and boost longevity.
I invite anyone to join and feel good in their practice. Everyone is welcome at Sukh Anand.
The side effects of practising yoga asana (postures) bring a wealth of health benefits including increased flexibility, strength, balance and stamina as well as greater emotional stability and resilience. Regular practice has also been found to promote relaxation, alleviate stress, improve sleep and boost longevity.
I invite anyone to join and feel good in their practice. Everyone is welcome at Sukh Anand.
Classes for Everyone

All classes are currently online on Zoom, with an assistant student spotlighted.
I guide the class observing every student, whilst giving variations and suggestions of poses and props to tailor to the individual. The classes are suitable for all ages and levels of experience.